Info / english

I am Susanna Sinivirta, a Finnish illustrator and graphic designer from Helsinki. My long-term dream of making a design for each month came true in the summer of 2016 when my first two collections – October and November – came out.

The designs  tell the story of what I see and experience in the nature. I get inspired and energized in the wilderness and often need my moments in the forest to stay somewhat balanced and happy! I call my designs Seasons´ Embrace.

The changing of the seasons has always fascinated me. How the abundance of summer greens is gradually reduced to nothing as the nature gets undressed. During the polar winter kaamos Finnish nature rests until the spring sun calls for everything to grow once again. That is the cycle we have to accept and adapt to, no matter how much one would love to embrace the eternal summer evening, the scent of clover and twinflower and the song of the grasshopper (let’s not mention the mosquitoes!). In a nutshell, Seasons’ Embrace is a love story between me and nature.
I hope both my designs and colour palettes speak a language that is easy to understand and relate to. The collections have been designed to stand the test of changing seasons, although they have each been named after a certain month. The idea and starting point in all my designs has also been compatibility with Scandinavian, carefree interior decoration.
Hope you like them!

PS. My constant source for wonder and delight are birds. Blackbird’s song early in the spring brings hope of warmth, a promise of the summer to come. The song raises your spirits and is the absolute best music you can hear after a long dark winter. Chickadees, sparrows, bullfinches and other chirpers… you will meet these small heralds of joy in my postcards and posters.